List of Visitorsf Talks (Fiscal 2005)

l. Materials Science


Date Speaker Affiliation

May 25 Prof. Tom Lemberger Ohio State University, USA
"Pairing symmetry of electron- and hole-doped cuprates from the magnetic penetration depth measurements"
July 21 Dr. Krishna G. Nath INRS-EMT, Univ. of Quebec, Canada
"Supramolecule-Nanopattering for Future Medical and Biological Application"
Aug. 4 Prof. Shigeya Naritsuka Meijo University
"Beam Induced Lateral Epitaxy of GaAs on GaAs substrates"
Sep. 29 Prof. Yung Joon Jung Northeastern University, USA
"Tailoring Carbon Nanotube Structure and Building Nanotube based system"
Jan. 17 Dr. Kazuhiko Omote Rigaku Corp.
"Small Angle X-ray Scattering for Nano-strucure Analysis"
Jan. 23 Prof. Erhard Kohn Universität Ulm, Germany
"Liquid Junctions to Wide Bandgap Semiconductors"
