平成30年度~令和元年度・中間報告・特に重要な論文 5編

  1. G. Yamahata, S. Ryu, N. Johnson, H-S. Sim, A. Fujiwara, and M. Kataoka, Picosecond coherent electron motion in a silicon single-electron source, Nature Nanotechnology 14, 1019–1023 (2019).
  2. N. Johnson, G. Yamahata, and A. Fujiwara, Measurement of the curvature and height of the potential barrier for a dynamic quantum dot, Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 162103 (2019).
  3. S. Giblin, A. Fujiwara, G. Yamahata, M. H. Bae, N. Kim, A. Rossi, M. Möttönen, and M. Kataoka, Evidence for universality of tunable-barrier electron pumps, Metrologia 56, 044004 (17pp) (2019).
  4. D.-H. Chae, M.-S. Kim, W.-S. Kim, T. Oe, N.-H. Kaneko, Direct comparison of 1 MΩ quantized Hall array resistance and quantum Hall resistance standard, Metrologia 55, 645–653 (2018).
  5. D.-H. Chae, M.-S. Kim, W.-S. Kim, T. Oe, N.-H. Kaneko, Quantum mechanical current-to-voltage conversion with quantum Hall resistance array, Metrologia 57, 025004 (8pp) (2020).

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