Welcome to Shin-ichi Karimoto's homepage

1991 MS degree in electronics engineering from Kagoshima-univ.
1991 NTT Applied Electronics Labs.
1997 Reseach scientist in device physics labolatory in NTT Basic Reseach Labs.
1998 Dr.of Eng. from Kagashima-univ.
1998 Reseach scientist in materials science labolatory in NTT Basic Reseach Labs.
Research Interests
Recent Topics
Recent Publication
"Electron-doped infinite-layer thin films with Tc = 41K on DyScO3 substrates"
S. Karimoto, and M. Naito, Physica C.,412-414 (2004) 1349

"Electron-doped infinite-layer thin films with Tc over 40K grown on DyScO3 substrates"

S. Karimoto, and M. Naito, Appl.Phys.Lett.,84 (2004) 2136

"Tc versus lattice constants in MBE-grown M2CuO4 (M=La, Sr, Ba) "

S. Karimoto, H. Yamamoto, H. Sato, A. Tsukada, and M. Naito, J. Low Temp. Phys.131 (2003) 619

" Synthesis of new superconductors via epitaxy",
S. Karimoto and M. Naito, , KOTAI-BUTSURI, 37 (2002) 563 (in Japanese).

" Synthesis of new superconducting cuprates by molecular beam epitaxy -Beyond bulk synthesis",
M. Naito, S. Karimoto, and H. Yamamoto, OYO BUTURI, 71 (2002) 536 (in Japanese).

" Superconducting thin films of electron-doped infinite-layer Sr1-xLaxCuO2 grown by molecular beam epitaxy",
S. Kariomoto, K. Ueda, M. Naito, and T. Imai, Physica C, 378-381 (2002) 127-130.

" Single-crystalline superconducting thin films of electron-doped infinite-layer compounds grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. "
S. Karimoto, K.Ueda, M.Naito, T. Imai, Appl.Phys.Lett.,79 (2001) 2767.

" New superconducting Sr2CuO4-d thin films prepared by molecular beam epitaxy."
S. Karimoto, H. Yamamoto, T. Greibe, M. Naito, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 40 (2001) L127.

"New superconducting PbSr2CuO5+d prepared by a novel low-temperature synthetic route using molecular beam epitaxy."
S. Karimoto, M. Naito, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 38 (1999) L283.
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E-mail; karimoto@with.brl.ntt.co.jp
Crystal structure of PbSr2CuO5+d
Crystal structure of Sr2CuO4-d