- (2020年10月09日)
- 世界で初めてエキゾチックな準粒子の量子的電気伝導を観測
- (2019年02月12日)
- 最高の強磁性転移温度を持つ新絶縁物質Sr3OsO6を創製
Comprehensive study of optical contrast, reflectance, and Raman spectroscopy of multilayer graphene
Experimental and theoretical investigation of nanodiamond insertion on the interlayer interaction in multilayer stacking graphene
SrRuO3 under tensile strain: Thickness-dependent electronic and magnetic properties
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in rhenium nitride films
On-chip transfer of ultrashort graphene plasmon wave packets using terahertz electronics
Improving crystal quality of Er-doped Gd2O3 grown on a Si(111) substrate by inserting a bifunctional GdOx layer
Stationary two-state system in optics using layered materials
Epitaxial Intercalation Growth of hBN/Graphene Bilayer Heterostructure on Commercial Copper Foil
On the criteria for superconducting superlattices using CaCuO2
Magnetic anisotropy driven by ligand in 4d transition-metal oxide SrRuO3
Introducing Corrections to the Reflectance of Graphene by Light Emission
Phase-controlled growth of indium selenide by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
X-ray reciprocal space mapping analysis of ferromagnetic GdN films grown by pulsed laser epitaxy
Collective Nature of Orbital Excitations in Layered Cuprates in the Absence of Apical Oxygens
Suppression of Nucleation Density in Twisted Graphene Domains Grown on Graphene/SiC Template by Sequential Thermal Process
Reduction of Interlayer Interaction in Multilayer Stacking Graphene with Carbon Nanotube Insertion: Insights from Experiment and Simulation
In Situ Observation of Graphene Growth by Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Ultraviolet Reflection: Implications for Efficient Growth Control in the Industrial Process
Quantum Hall effect in graphene transferred by water-soluble transfer sheet and home-use laminator
Nondegenerate two-way edge channels of plasmons in networks
Polarized Raman scattering spectroscopy of array of embedded graphene ribbons grown on 4H-SiC(0001)
Scattering-dependent transport of SrRuO3 films: From Weyl fermion transport to hump-like Hall effect anomaly
Carbonization-driven motion of Si islands on epitaxial graphene
Artificial Intelligence Guided Studies of van der Waals Magnets
Theoretical Study on Origin of CVD Growth Direction Difference in Graphene/hBN Heterostructures
Core-level photoelectron spectroscopy study on the buffer-layer formed in approximately atmospheric pressure argon on n-type and semi-insulating SiC(0001)
Intrinsic physics in magnetic Weyl semimetal SrRuO3 films addressed by machine-learning-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
Nanoscale infrared imaging and spectroscopy of few-layer hexagonal boron nitride
High-mobility two-dimensional carriers from surface Fermi arcs in magnetic Weyl semimetal films
Stacking-order-dependent interlayer coupling in Janus WSSe/WS2 heterostructures
Isotropic orbital magnetic moments in magnetically anisotropic SrRuO3 films
Bayesian optimization with experimental failure for high-throughput materials growth
Electron-beam-evaporation-based multi-source oxide MBE as a synthesis method for high-quality and novel magnetic materials-beyond 3d transition metal compounds
Designing Superlattices of Cuprates and Ferrites for Superconductivity
Thermodynamic constraints and substrate influences on the growth of high-quality Bi2Te3 thin films by pulsed laser deposition
Molecular beam epitaxy of Sr5Au2O8 thin films
Band structures of edge magnetoplasmon crystals
Scanning probe analysis of twisted graphene grown on a graphene/silicon carbide template
Single-domain perpendicular magnetization induced by the coherent O 2p-Ru 4d hybridized state in an ultra-high-quality SrRuO3 film
Epitaxial Intercalation Growth of Scalable Hexagonal Boron Nitride/Graphene Bilayer Moire Materials with Highly Convergent Interlayer Angles
Atomic Stripe Formation in Infinite-Layer Cuprates
Atomic layer deposition of aluminum (111) thin film by dimethylethylaminealane precursor
Theoretical study on role of edge termination for growth direction selectivity in chemical vapor deposition of hBN/graphene heterostructure on Cu surface
Wide-Range Epitaxial Strain Control of Electrical and Magnetic Properties in High-Quality SrRuO3 Films
Nanoscale evaluation of the number of layers of hexagonal boron nitride by scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy
Thickness-dependent quantum transport of Weyl fermions in ultra-high-quality SrRuO3 films
Structural and transport properties of highly Ru-deficient SrRu0.7O3 thin films prepared by molecular beam epitaxy: Comparison with stoichiometric SrRuO3
Quantum transport evidence of Weyl fermions in an epitaxial ferromagnetic oxide
Layered Dynamical Conductivity for a Transfer Matrix Method -Application to an N-layer Graphene-
In-situ X-ray diffraction analysis of GaN growth on graphene-covered amorphous substrates
Controlled CVD growth of lateral and vertical graphene/h-BN heterostructures
Universal layer number in graphite
Suppression of gate screening on edge magnetoplasmons by highly resistive ZnO gate
Dynamical environmental effects lowering the plasmon energy and lifetime in doped carbon nanotubes
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering from buffer layer under graphene on SiC in a wide energy range from visible to near-infrared
Quantum limit cyclotron resonance in monolayer epitaxial graphene in magnetic fields up to 560 T: The relativistic electron and hole asymmetry
Theoretical Study on C Adsorbate at Graphene/Cu(111) or h-BN/Cu(111) Interfaces
Active spatial control of terahertz plasmons in graphene
Interplay of structure and charge order revealed by quantum oscillations in thin films of Pr2CuO4 +/-delta
Dopamine detection on activated reaction field consisting of graphene-integrated silicon photonic cavity
Turbostratic Stacking Effect in Multilayer Graphene on the Electrical Transport Properties
Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Phys. , 1900437 (2019).
Comments on superconductivity in AE(2)CuO(4 +/-delta) (AE = Sr, Ba)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 116 (37) 18165-18165 (2019).
STM/S observations of graphene on SiC(0001) etched by H-plasma
Turbostratic multilayer graphene synthesis on CVD graphene template toward improving electrical performance
Molecular beam epitaxy of electron-doped infinite-layer Ca1-xRxCuO2 thin films
Catalyst-Selective Growth of Single-Orientation Hexagonal Boron Nitride toward High-Performance Atomically Thin Electric Barriers
Plasmon Control Driven by Spatial Carrier Density Modulation in Graphene
Evolution of charge order topology across a magnetic phase transition in cuprate superconductors
Structural analysis of cubic boron nitride (111) films heteroepitaxially grown on diamond (111) substrates
Ferromagnetism above 1000 K in a highly cation-ordered double-perovskite insulator Sr3OsO6
Resolving the nature of electronic excitations in resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
Self-Folded Three-Dimensional Graphene with a Tunable Shape and Conductivity
Fano effect in the transport of an artificial molecule
Plasmon confinement by carrier density modulation in graphene
Improved adaptive sampling method utilizing Gaussian process regression for prediction of spectral peak structures
Surface structures of graphene covered Cu(103)
Infinite-layer phase formation in the Ca(1-x)Sr(x)Cu(O2) system by reactive molecular beam epitaxy
Infinite-layer phase formation in the Ca1-xSrxCuO2 system by reactive molecular beam epitaxy
Relaxation of Plasma Carriers in Graphene: An Approach by Frequency-Dependent Optical Conductivity Measurement
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of the low-energy electronic structure of superconducting Pr2CuO4 driven by oxygen nonstoichiometry
Electronic Structure of Ce-Doped and -Undoped Nd2CuO4 Superconducting Thin Films Studied by Hard X-Ray Photoemission and Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Direct extraction of electron parameters from magnetoconductance analysis in mesoscopic ring array structures
Phonon anomaly by massive Dirac fermions of graphene
Theory of a Carbon-Nanotube Polarization Switch
Ultrafast Terahertz Nonlinear Optics of Landau Level Transitions in a Monolayer Graphene
Unraveling localized states in quasi free standing monolayer graphene by means of Density Functional Theory
Epitaxial effects in thin films of high-T-c cuprates with the K2NiF4 structure
Transistors driven by superconductors
(Editorial Material) Nature 555 (7695) 172-173 (2018).
Atomic and electronic structure of Si dangling bonds in quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene
Graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistors fabricated by etchant-free transfer from Au(788)
Very Gradual and Anomalous Oxidation at the Interface of Hydrogen-Intercalated Graphene/4H-SiC(0001)
Terahertz spectroscopy of graphene complementary split ring resonators with gate tunability
Charge fractionalization in artificial Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids with controlled interaction strength
Molecular beam epitaxy of Nd2PdO4 thin films
Photoresponse of a La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 nanostrip
Initial stage of hexagonal boron nitride growth in diffusion and precipitation method
SNSPD With Ultimate Low System Dark Count Rate Using Various Cold Filters
Orientation-controlled growth of hexagonal boron nitride monolayers templated from graphene edges
Effects of environmental conditions on the ultrafast carrier dynamics in graphene revealed by terahertz spectroscopy
Effect of isotopic purification on spectral-hole narrowing in Er-167(3+) hyperfine transitions
Mechanism of concentration quenching in epitaxial (ErxSc1-x)(2)O-3 thin layers
Epitaxial growth of monolayer MoSe2 on GaAs
Appl. Phys. Express 9 (11), 115501 (2016).
Shubnikov-de Haas quantum oscillations reveal a reconstructed Fermi surface near optimal doping in a thin film of the cuprate superconductor Pr1.86Ce0.14CuO4 +/-delta
Phys. Rev. B 94 (10), 104514 (2016).
Energy Dissipation in Graphene Mechanical Resonators with and without Free Edges
Micromachines 7 (9), 158 (2016).
Incommensurate defect-driven electron correlations in Pr1.85Ce0.15CuO4+delta
Phys. Rev. B 94 (5), 054513 (2016).
Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Millimeter-Scale Single-Crystalline Graphene on the Copper Surface with a Native Oxide Layer
Chem. Mat. 28 (14), 4893-4900 (2016).
Applying strain into graphene by SU-8 resist shrinkage
J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 49 (28), 285303 (2016).
Highly Uniform Bilayer Graphene on Epitaxial Cu-Ni(111) Alloy
Chem. Mat. 28 (13), 4583-4592 (2016).
Growth and low-energy electron microscopy characterizations of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride
Prog. Cryst. Growth Charact. Mater. 62 (2), 155-176 (2016).
Direct observation of infinite NiO2 planes in LaNiO2 films
Appl. Phys. Express 9 (6), 061101 (2016).
Transmission, reflection, and absorption spectroscopy of graphene microribbons in the terahertz region
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 55 (6), 06GF08 (2016).
Theory of intraband plasmons in doped carbon nanotubes: Rolled surface-plasmons of graphene
Appl. Phys. Lett. 108 (16), 163109 (2016).
Reassessment of the electronic state, magnetism, and superconductivity in high-Tc cuprates with the Nd2CuO4 structure
Physica C 523 28-54 (2016).
Direct growth of graphene on SiC(0001) by KrF-excimer-laser irradiation
Appl. Phys. Lett. 108 (9), 093107 (2016).
Detection of Coherent Terahertz Radiation from a High-Temperature Superconductor Josephson Junction by a Semiconductor Quantum-Dot Detector
Phys. Rev. Appl. 5 (2), 024010 (2016).
Etchant-free graphene transfer using facile intercalation of alkanethiol self-assembled molecules at graphene/metal interfaces
Nanoscale 8 (22), 11503-11510 (2016).
Graphene FRET Aptasensor
ACS Sens. 1 (6), 710-716 (2016).
Planar cold cathode based on a multilayer-graphene/SiO2/Si heterodevice
Appl. Phys. Express 9 (10), 105101 (2016).
Engineering quantum spin Hall insulators by strained-layer heterostructures
Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 (19), 192105 (2016).
Single-edge transport in an InAs/GaSb quantum spin Hall insulator
Phys. Rev. B 94 (3), 035301 (2016).
Evaluation of disorder introduced by electrolyte gating through transport measurements in graphene
Appl. Phys. Express 9 (6), 065102 (2016).
Determination of intrinsic lifetime of edge magnetoplasmons
Phys. Rev. B 93 (12), 125402 (2016).
Ultra-fine metal gate operated graphene optical intensity modulator
Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 (25), 251101 (2016).
Quantum Hall effect in epitaxial graphene with permanent magnets
Sci Rep 6, 38393 (2016).
Spin Blocker Using the Interband Rashba Effect in Symmetric Double Quantum Wells
Phys. Rev. Appl. 4, 034010 (2015).
Photocurrent generation of a single-gate graphene p-n junction fabricated by interfacial modification
Nanotechnology 26, 385203 (2015).
Growth Dynamics of Single-Layer Graphene on Epitaxial Cu Surfaces
Chem. Mat. 27, 5377-5385 (2015).
Large optical anisotropy for terahertz light of stacked graphene ribbons with slight asymmetry
J. Appl. Phys. 117, 174302 (2015).
Bilayer-induced asymmetric quantum Hall effect in epitaxial graphene
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 30, 055007 (2015).
Growth and Optical Properties of High-Quality Monolayer WS2 on Graphite
ACS Nano 9, 4056-4063 (2015).
As-grown superconducting Pr2CuO4 under thermodynamic constraints
Appl. Phys. Express 8, 053101 (2015).
On-chip FRET Graphene Oxide Aptasensor: Quantitative Evaluation of Enhanced Sensitivity by Aptamer with a Double-stranded DNA Spacer
Anal. Sci. 31, 875-879 (2015).
Probing the extended-state width of disorder-broadened Landau levels in epitaxial graphene
Phys. Rev. B 92, 125407 (2015).
Shot noise generated by graphene p-n junctions in the quantum Hall effect regime
Nat. Commun. 6, 8068 (2015).
Gate-controlled semimetal-topological insulator transition in an InAs/GaSb heterostructure
Phys. Rev. B 91, 245309 (2015).
Low-temperature crystallization and high-temperature instability of hydroxyapatite thin films deposited on Ru, Ti, and Pt metal substrates
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Nonlinear terahertz field-induced carrier dynamics in photoexcited epitaxial monolayer graphene
Phys. Rev. B 91 (3), 035422 (2015).
Resistivity anisotropy measured using four probes in epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide
Appl. Phys. Express 8 (3), 036602 (2015).
Effect of structure and composition on optical properties of Er-Sc silicates prepared from multi-nanolayer films
Opt. Express 23 (6) 7021-7030 (2015).
Effects of UV light intensity on electrochemical wet etching of SiC for the fabrication of suspended graphene
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54 (3), 036502 (2015).
On-chip graphene oxide aptasensor for multiple protein detection
Anal. Chim. Acta 866 1-9 (2015).
Simultaneous light emissions from erbium-thulium silicates and oxides on silicon in the second and third telecommunications bands
Opt. Mater. Express 4 (9), 1747-1755 (2014).
In situ scanning electron microscopy of graphene nucleation during segregation of carbon on polycrystalline Ni substrate
J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 47 (45), 455301 (2014).
Correlation between morphology and transport properties of quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 (22), 221604 (2014).
Scandium effect on the luminescence of Er-Sc silicates prepared from multi-nanolayer films
Nanoscale Res. Lett. 9, 356 (2014).
Direct Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of WS2 Atomic Layers on Hexagonal Boron Nitride
ACS Nano 8 (8), 8273-8277 (2014).
Ultrathin Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)-Grown Hexagonal Boron Nitride as a High-Quality Dielectric for Tunneling Devices on Rigid and Flexible Substrates
J. Phys. Chem. C 118 (6), 3340-3346 (2014).
Scalable synthesis of layer-controlled WS2 and MoS2 sheets by sulfurization of thin metal films
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 (8), 083112 (2014).
Energy dissipation in edged and edgeless graphene mechanical resonators
J. Appl. Phys. 116 (6), 064304 (2014).
Etchant-free and damageless transfer of monolayer and bilayer graphene grown on SiC
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53 (11), 115101 (2014).
Effects of hydrogen intercalation on transport properties of quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53 (4), 04EN01 (2014).
Optical absorption characteristics and polarization dependence of single-layer graphene on silicon waveguide
IEICE Trans. Electron. E97C (7), 736-743 (2014).
Formation of Oriented Graphene Nanoribbons over Heteroepitaxial Cu Surfaces by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Chem. Mat. 26 (18), 5215-5222 (2014).
Raman spectroscopic investigation of polycrystalline structures of CVD-grown graphene by isotope labeling
Nanoscale 6, 13838 (2014).
Influence of graphene on quality factor variation in a silicon ring resonator
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 091122 (2014).
On-chip graphene oxide aptasensor for multiple protein detection
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Electrostatic control of the dynamics of lipid bilayer self-spreading using a nanogap gate
Mater. Res. Express 1 (3), 035404 (2014).
Deep-level transient spectroscopy characterization of In(Ga) As quantum dots fabricated using Bi as a surfactant
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Lattice-Oriented Catalytic Growth of Graphene Nanoribbons on Heteroepitaxial Nickel Films
ACS Nano 7 (12), 10825-10833 (2013).
Site-Selective Epitaxy of Graphene on Si Wafers
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Protein recognition on a single graphene oxide surface fixed on a solid support
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Tuning of quantum interference in top-gated graphene on SiC
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Graphene Layer Formation on Polycrystalline Nickel Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition
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Characterization of Optical Absorption and Polarization Dependence of Single-Layer Graphene Integrated on a Silicon Wire Waveguide
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Molecular beam epitaxial growth of graphene using cracked ethylene - Advantage over ethanol in growth
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Molecular beam epitaxial growth of graphene using cracked ethylene
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Core-level photoelectron spectroscopy study of interface structure of hydrogen-intercalated graphene on n-type 4H-SiC(0001)
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Hydrogen storage with titanium-functionalized graphene
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Self organization of a hexagonal network of quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene nanoribbons
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Mixture formation of ErxYb2-xSi2O7 and ErxYb2-xO3 on Si for broadening the C-band in an optical amplifier
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Light emission from thulium silicates and oxides for optical amplifiers on silicon in the extended optical communications band
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Growth and low-energy electron microscopy characterization of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride on epitaxial cobalt
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Quantum Faraday and Kerr rotations in graphene
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Structural Instability of Transferred Graphene Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition against Heating
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Boron nitride growth on metal foil using solid sources
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Epitaxial Trilayer Graphene Mechanical Resonators Obtained by Electrochemical Etching Combined with Hydrogen Intercalation
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Graphene-modified Interdigitated Array Electrode: Fabrication, Characterization, and Electrochemical Immunoassay Application
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Molecular design for enhanced sensitivity of a FRET aptasensor built on the graphene oxide surface
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Selective charge doping of chemical vapor deposition-grown graphene by interface modification
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Electrostatic Control of Artificial Cell Membrane Spreading by Tuning the Thickness of an Electric Double Layer in a Nanogap
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Stability and reactivity of steps in the initial stage of graphene growth on the SiC(0001) surface
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Graphene-Based Nano-Electro-Mechanical Switch with High On/Off Ratio
Appl. Phys. Express 6 (5), 055101 (2013).
Plasmon transport in graphene investigated by time-resolved electrical measurements
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Topological Raman Band in the Carbon Nanohorn
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Population dynamics in epitaxial Er2O3 thin films grown on Si(111)
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Catalytic Growth of Graphene: Toward Large-Area Single-Crystalline Graphene
Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters 3 (16), 22282236 (2012).
Electroluminescence from Er3+ incorporated into silicon oxide thin film on silicon in a scanning tunneling microscope
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Self-spreading of Supported Lipid Bilayer on SiO2 Surface Bearing Graphene Oxide
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Growth and electronic transport properties of epitaxial graphene on SiC
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A Raman imaging study of growth process of few-layer epitaxial graphene on vicinal 6H-SiC
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Formation of Graphene Nanofin Networks on Graphene/SiC(0001) by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics 51 (6), 06FD16 (2012).
Macroscopic Single-Domain Graphene Growth on Polycrystalline Nickel Surface
Applied Physics Express 5 (3), 035501 (2012).
Domain Structure and Boundary in Single-Layer Graphene Grown on Cu(111) and Cu(100) Films
Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters 3 (2), 219226 (2012).
Energy Transfers between Er3+ Ions Located at the Two Crystalographic Sites of Er2O3 Grown on Si(111)
Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics 51 (2), 02BG07 (2012).
Real-time synchrotoron radiation X-ray diffraction and abnormal temperature dependence of photoluminescence from erbium silicates on SiO2/Si substrates
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Influence of Cu metal on the domain structure and carrier mobility in single-layer graphene
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Microscopic Raman Mapping of Epitaxial Graphene on 4H-SiC(0001)
Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics 51 (6), 06FD06 (2012).
Chemical vapor deposition of boron- and nitrogen-containing graphene thin films
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Growth of atomically thin hexagonal boron nitride films by diffusion through a metal film and precipitation
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Graphene Growth from Spin-Coated Polymers without a Gas
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In situ scanning electron microscopy of graphene growth on polycrystalline Ni substrate
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Electrical Characterization of Bilayer Graphene Formed by Hydrogen Intercalation of Monolayer Graphene on SiC(0001)
Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics 51 (2), 02BN02 (2012).
Quantum Hall effect and carrier scattering in quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene
Applied Physics Express 5, 125101 (2012).
Near-infrared photoluminescence spectral imaging of chemically oxidized graphene flakes
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Chemical vapor deposition of hexagonal boron nitride
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Donor-to-Acceptor Distance Dependent Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Efficiency for Multiple Donors and Acceptors System Confined within 2-Dimensional Fluid of Supported Lipid Bilayer
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Beating Analysis of Shubnikov de Haas Oscillation in In0.53Ga0.47As Double Quantum Well toward Spin Filter Applications
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The physics of epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001)
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Pseudospin for Raman D band in armchair graphene nanoribbons
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Decay and frequency shift of both intervalley and intravalley phonons in graphene: Dirac-cone migration
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