The 3rd Advisory Board Meeting

 The advisory board, an external evaluation committee for NTT Basic Research Laboratories (BRL), convened for three days, January 25, 26, and 27, 2005. The advisory board started in 2001 as a way to evaluate research plans and activities objectively so that NTT BRL can adopt strategic management in a timely manner. This was the third board meeting, and this time we reorganized the board to welcome five new members.
 During the meeting, the board gave us many valuable suggestions and comments on our research activities and management. Members commented that the research level is generally high on a world scale, which strengthened our commitment to keep our research at the top level and communicate our results and ideas to the world. They also pointed out several issues regarding human resources, inheritance of technology, and internal and external collaboration. We will work to improve our management and circumstances based on their valuable suggestions.
 At this meeting, there were many opportunities for young researchers to communicate with the board members. We had a lunch party and also conducted laboratory tours with young researchers as attendants. The board members and young researchers enjoyed these chances to interact. The next board meeting will convene in a year and half.


Board members Affiliation   Research field 

Prof. Altshuler Princeton U Condensed matter
Prof. Devoret Yale U Mesoscopic physics
Prof. Haroche Ecole Normale Quantum optics
Prof. Jonson Chalmers UT Condensed matter
Prof. Leggett U Illinois Quantum physics 
Prof. Mooij Delft UT Quantum computers
Prof. Ploog Paul-Drude-Inst. Nanostructures
Prof. Ryan U Oxford Nano-bio technology
Prof. von Klitzing Max-Planck-Inst. Semiconductor physics

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