March 1-4, 2004

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Proceedings Submission

The proceedings of this symposium will be published as a book from World Scientific Publishing. All manuscripts will be reviewed by a referee.

Deadline of the manuscript submission is 30th April 2004.

Please submit electronic-manuscript (LaTeX or WORD, and figure files) and a PDF output file. We receive your files from our proceedings submission page.

Go to Proceedings Submission Page

Each paper is allotted maximum 6 pages (including figures). Please use style-files available from the Web page of the publisher. Choose Proceedings Style Files from category in "General, Trim size 9.75" x 6.50", LaTeX2e or MS-Word 6.0/7.0"

Instruction of Manuscript Preparation

Case 1: using LaTeX2e style-file
Submit a TeX file, eps-figures, and a PDF output file. Please use the style-file distributed by the publisher. Use of other style files like RevTeX is not acceptable.

Case 2: using MS-Word 6.0/7.0 template
Submit a doc file (containing figures), figure files (JPEG, Bitmap, pdf, eps,...), and a PDF output file. Please be sure to use the template distributed by the publisher.

If you cannot produce a PDF output file of your manuscript, send two hardcopies by conventional mail to

Dr. Hideaki Takayanagi
MS+S2004 proceedings
NTT Basic Research Labratories
3-1, Morinosato-Wakamiya, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-0198, JAPAN

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Research and Development Association for Future Electron Devices