
村木康二 (むらきこうじ)
― 上席特別研究員 ―
〒243-0198 神奈川県厚木市森の里若宮3−1
E-mail: koji.murakiatntt.com
1994.4-現在 NTT物性科学基礎研究所
2001.8-2002.3 ドイツ・マックスプランク固体物性研究所 客員研究員
1994.3 博士(工学)、東京大学

What's New

Research Interests

Selected Publications

Full List of Publications (Since 1992)

Impact of in situ controlled disorder screening on fractional quantum Hall effects and composite fermion transport
T. Akiho and K. Muraki
Phys. Phys. B 106, 075302 (2022). [abstract]
Time-resolved measurement of ambipolar edge magnetoplasmon transport in InAs/InGaSb composite quantum wells
H. Kamata, H. Irie, N. Kumada, and K. Muraki
Phys. Phys. Research 4, 033214 (2022). [abstract]
Gate tuning of fractional quantum Hall states in an InAs two-dimensional electron gas
S. Komatsu, H. Irie, T. Akiho, T. Nojima, T. Akazaki, and K. Muraki
Phys. Phys. B 105, 075305 (2022). [abstract]
Andreev reflection of fractional quantum Hall quasiparticles
M. Hashisaka, T. Jonckheere, T. Akiho, S. Sasaki, J. Rech, T. Martin, and K. Muraki
Nature Comm. 12, 2794 (2021). [abstract]
Energy gap tuning and gate-controlled topological phase transition in InAs/In_{x}Ga_{1-x}Sb composite quantum wells
H. Irie, T. Akiho, F. Couedo, K. Suzuki, K. Onomitsu, and K. Muraki
Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 104201 (2020). [abstract]
Counterflowing edge current and its equilibration in quantum Hall devices with sharp edge potential: Roles of incompressible strips and contact configuration
T. Akiho, H. Irie, K. Onomitsu, and K. Muraki
Phys. Phys. B 99, 121303(R) (2019). [abstract]
Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg interference in coherent charge oscillations of a one-electron double quantum dot
Takeshi Ota, Kenichi Hitachi, and Koji Muraki
Scientific Reports 8, 5491 (2018). [abstract]
Waveform measurement of charge- and spin-densitywavepackets in a chiral Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid
M. Hashisaka, N. Hiyama, T. Akiho, K. Muraki and T. Fujisawa
Nature Physics 13, 559 (2017). [abstract]
Engineering quantum spin Hall insulators by strained-layer heterostructures
T. Akiho, F. Couedo, H. Irie, K. Suzuki, K. Onomitsu, and K. Muraki
Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 192105 (2016). [abstract]
Single-edge transport in an InAs/GaSb quantum spin Hall insulator
Francois Couedo, Hiroshi Irie, Kyoichi Suzuki, Koji Onomitsu, and Koji Muraki
Phys. Rev. B 94, 035301 (2016). [abstract]
NMR probing of spin and charge order near odd-integer filling in the second Landau level
T. D. Rhone, L. Tiemann, and K. Muraki
Phys. Rev. B 92, 041301(R) (2015). [abstract]
Gate-controlled semimetal-topological insulator transition in an InAs/GaSb heterostructure
Kyoichi Suzuki, Yuichi Harada, Koji Onomitsu, and Koji Muraki
Phys. Rev. B 91, 245309 (2015). [abstract]
NMR profiling of quantum electron solids in high magnetic fields
L. Tiemann (*), T. D. Rhone (*), N. Shibata, and K. Muraki (* equal contribution)
Nature Physics 10, 648-652 (2014). [abstract] (published online, Jul. 20, 2014)
v = 5/2 fractional quantum Hall state in low-mobility electron systems: Different roles of disorder
Gerardo Gamez and Koji Muraki
Phys. Rev. B 88, 075308 (2013). [abstract]
Edge channel transport in the InAs/GaSb topological insulating phase
Kyoichi Suzuki, Yuichi Harada, Koji Onomitsu, and Koji Muraki
Phys. Rev. B 87, 235311 (2013). [abstract]
Real-space imaging of fractional quantum Hall liquids
Junichiro Hayakawa, Koji Muraki, and Go Yusa
Nature Nanotechnology 8, 31 (2013). [abstract] (published online, Dec. 2, 2012)
Impact of graphene quantum capacitance on transport spectroscopy
K. Takase, S. Tanabe, S. Sasaki, H. Hibino, and K. Muraki
Phys. Rev. B 86, 165435 (2012). [abstract]
Unraveling the Spin Polarization of the v = 5/2 Fractional Quantum Hall State
L. Tiemann, G. Gamez, N. Kumada, and K. Muraki
Science 335, 828 (2012). [abstract] (published online January 26 2012, Science Express)
Observation of hysteretic transport due to dynamic nuclear spin polarization in a GaAs lateral double quantum dot
T. Kobayashi, K. Hitachi, S. Sasaki, and K. Muraki
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 216802 (2011). [abstract]
Intrinsic Gap and Exciton Condensation in the vT=1 Bilayer System
P. Giudici, K. Muraki, N. Kumada, and T. Fujisawa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 056802 (2010). [abstract]
Spin-Dependent Phase Diagram of the vT=1 Bilayer Electron System
P. Giudici, K. Muraki, N. Kumada, Y. Hirayama, and T. Fujisawa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 106803 (2008). [abstract]
NMR Evidence for Spin Canting in a Bilayer v = 2 Quantum Hall System
N. Kumada, K. Muraki , and Y. Hirayama
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 076805 (2007). [abstract]
Low-Frequency Spin Dynamics in a Canted Antiferromagnet
N. Kumada, K. Muraki , and Y. Hirayama
Science 313, 329 (2006). [abstract]
Spin Degree of Freedom in the v = 1 Bilayer Electron System Investigated by Nuclear Spin Relaxation
N. Kumada, K. Muraki, K. Hashimoto, and Y. Hirayama
Phys. Rev. Lett 94, 096802 (2005). [abstract]
Controlled Multiple Quantum Coherences of Nuclear Spins in a Nonometre-Scale Device
G. Yusa, K. Muraki, K. Takashina, K. Hashimoto, and Y. Hirayama
Nature 434, 1001 (2005). [abstract]
Effects of Inversion Asymmetry on Electron-Nuclear Spin Coupling in Semiconductor Heterostructures:
Possible role of spin-orbit interactions
K. Hashimoto, K. Muraki, N. Kumada, T. Saku, and Y. Hirayama
Phys. Rev. Lett 94, 146601 (2005). [abstract]
Coulomb Drag as a Probe of the Nature of Compressible States in a Magnetic Field
K. Muraki, J. G. S. Lok, S. Kraus, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, D. Schuh, M. Bichler, W. Wegscheider
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246801 (2004). [abstract]
Electrically Controlled Nuclear Spin Polarization and Relaxation by Quantum Hall States
K. Hashimoto, K. Muraki, T. Saku, and Y. Hirayama
Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 176601 (2002). [abstract]
Charge Excitations in Easy-Axis and Easy-Plane Quantum Hall Ferromagnets
K. Muraki, T. Saku, and Y. Hirayama
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 196801 (2001). [abstract]
Spin Transition of a Two-Dimensional Hole System in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
K. Muraki and Y. Hirayama
Phys. Rev. B 59, R2502 (1999). [abstract]
Effect of Valence Band Structure on the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect of Two-Dimensional Hole Systems
K. Muraki and Y. Hirayama
Physica B 249, 65 (1998). [abstract]
Fermi-Level Effect on Ga Self-Diffusion Studied Using (69)GaAs/(69)Ga(71)GaAs Isotope Superlattice
K. Muraki and Y. Horikoshi
Inst. Phys. Conf. 145, 547 (1996).
Evidence for Resonant Electron Capture and Charge Buildup in AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells
K. Muraki, A. Fujiwara, S. Fukatsu, Y. Shiraki, and Y. Takahashi
Phys. Rev. B 53, 15 477 (1996). [abstract]
Surface Segregation of In Atoms and its Influence on the Energy Levels in InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells
K. Muraki, S. Fukatsu, Y. Shiraki, and R. Ito
Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 557 (1992). [abstract]

全論文リスト (Since 1992)
