

NTT Basic Research Laboratories is located at 3-1, Morinosato Wakamiya Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa 243-0198 Japan. Click below for directions provided by Google.

To plan your journey there from anywhere in Japan, one can also use hyperdia or jorudan services.

Buses from Aiko-Ishida Station 愛甲石田駅

The nearest train station is at Aiko Ishida, a stop on the Odakyu line, which runs from Shinjuku station through Kanagawa prefecture to the south west.

Catch a bus from here to get to NTT BRL. When exiting the station, turn left after the ticket barriers
and then turn right down some steps:
Buses #17, #18, #19 and #21 all go to NTT (click each number for the timetable). The North Exit Bus Stop #4 looks like this:
Ride the bus for about 20 minutes: after about 10 minutes you will pass some rice fields and a large baseball stadium on your left.
As the bus begins to climb for the first time, look out for this sign at a crossroads, pointing to Nanasawa Nature Center / Central Atsugi.
where the bus will make its first right turn at traffic lights. After this junction, the road isslightly inclined and very neatly lined with trees: you should press the bell. The next stop will be the one for NTT BRL, and is called "Tsushin Kenkyujo-Mae"

Someone will meet you at the front gate, which looks like this
To return to Aiko Ishida, take the bus from the stop on the other side of the road.

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