Iwaki Toshima
NTT Communication Science Laboratories |
Research interests
1DEnbodiment: Interaction between agent/human/robot and environment for understanding self image and embodiments
2DAuditory: Relationship between Auditory Science Analysis and Head movement
3DRobotics: Robot Audition (member of the committee of robot audition in the artificial intelligence society japan)
4DAcoustics: Motor commands of articulatory movement (especially lip movement at consonants)
PhD(Mechanical Engineering)
Key words: Enbodiment, Robot audition, Head movement, Head-Related transfer functions(HRTF), 3D sound, Auditory scein analysis, Sence of Agency
Academic affliation
Robotics Society Japan (RSJ)
Acoustical Society Japan (ASJ)
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME)
Virtual Reality Society Japan (VRSJ)
IEEE(Robotics and Automation Society)
Journal paper (in English only; if you want to see Japanese ones, please sea Japanese page.)
International Conference
TeleHead(IEEE Int. Conf. on Robot&Automation2007)NTT Human Information Lab.