Iwaki Toshima

NTT Communication Science Laboratories
Human Information Science Laboratory
Sensory resonance research group

toshima.iwaki (at) lab.ntt.co.jp

§243-0198 Morinosato-Wakamiya 3-1 NTT CS Labs


Research interests

1DEnbodiment: Interaction between agent/human/robot and environment for understanding self image and embodiments
2DAuditory: Relationship between Auditory Science Analysis and Head movement
3DRobotics: Robot Audition (member of the committee of robot audition in the artificial intelligence society japan)
4DAcoustics: Motor commands of articulatory movement (especially lip movement at consonants)
PhD(Mechanical Engineering)
Key words: Enbodiment, Robot audition, Head movement, Head-Related transfer functions(HRTF), 3D sound, Auditory scein analysis, Sence of Agency

Academic affliation

  • Robotics Society Japan (RSJ)
  • Acoustical Society Japan (ASJ)
  • Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME)
  • Virtual Reality Society Japan (VRSJ)
  • IEEE(Robotics and Automation Society)

  • Publication

    Journal paper (in English only; if you want to see Japanese ones, please sea Japanese page.)

  • Hirohito M. Kondo, Danniel Pressnitzer, Iwaki Toshima, Makio Kashino, gEffect of self-motion on the resetting of auditory scene analysish, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2012.
  • Ana Tajadura-Jimenez, Aleksander Valjamae, Iwaki Toshima, Toshitaka Kimura, Manos Tsakiris, Norimichi Kitagawa, gAction sounds recalibrate perceived tactile distanceh, Current Biology, 2012.
  • Tatsuya Hirahara, Hiroyuki Sagara, Iwaki ToshimaCMakoto OtaniCgHead movement during HRTF measurementshCAcoustical Science & TechnologyCAcoustical Society Japan, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 165-171, 2010.
  • Iwaki Toshima and Shigeaki Aoki, gThe effect of head movement on sound localization in an acoustical telepresence robot: TeleHeadh, Advanced Robotics, Robotics Society of Japan, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 289-304, 2009.
  • Iwaki Toshima, Shigeaki Aoki, gPossibility of head-shape simplification for an acoustical telepresence robot: TeleHeadh, Journal of Robotics and Mechatoronicsh, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 223-228, 2009.
  • Iwaki ToshimaCShigeaki AokiCTatsuya HiraharaCgSound localization using an auditory telepresence robot: TeleHead IIhCPresenceCMIT PressCVol. 17. No. 4, pp. 392-404, 2008D
  • Tetsunari Inamura¡¤Yoshihiko Nakamura and Iwaki Toshima. "Embodied Symbol Emergence based on Mimesis Theory", International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol.23, No.4, pp.363--377, 2004.
  • I. Toshima, H. Uematsu, T. Hirahara, gA steerable dummy head that tracks three-dimensional head movement: TeleHeadh, Acoustical Science and TechnologyCVol.24, No.5, pp. 327-329, 2003D
  • Tetsunari Inamura, Iwaki Toshima and Yoshihiko Nakamura, "Acquiring Motion Elements for Bidirectional Computation of Motion Recognition and Generation", Exerimental Robotics VIII (B. Siciliano and P. Dario Edu.) Springer, pp. 357-366, 2002.

    International Conference

  • Iwaki Toshima, Hirohito Kondo, Daniel Pressnitzer, and Makio Kashino, gEvaluating the effect of head motion on auditory streaming using an acoustical telepresence robot: TeleHeadh, Binaural Active Audition for Humanoid Robots 2012. (Invited).
  • Ana Tajadura-Jimenez, Aleksander Valjamae, Iwaki Toshima, Toshitaka Kimura, Manos Tsakiris, Toshimichi Kitagawa, "Action sounds recalibrate perceived tactile distance". IMRF, 2012
  • Ana Tajadura-Jimenez, Aleksander Valjamae, Iwaki Toshima, Toshitaka Kimura, Manos Tsakiris, Toshimichi Kitagawa, "Action sounds recalibrate perceived tactile distance". Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness , 2012.
  • Hirohito Kondo, Daniel Pressnitzer, Iwaki Toshima and Makio Kashino, gEffect of source-motion and self-motion on the resetting of auditory scene analysish, Acoustics 2012
  • Iwaki Toshima, Sadao Hiroya, Takemi Mochida, Hiroaki Gomi, gMotor command invariance during speech production investigated by physiological perioral dynamics model, International Seminar on Speech Production 2011.
  • Iwaki Toshima, Norifumi Watanabe, Takashi Omori, gPossibility of guidance of arm movement in circle-drawing experimenth, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybarnetics (IEEE-SMC2009), No. 197, 2009.
  • Iwaki Toshima, Shigeaki Aoki, gPossibility of Simplifying Head Shape with the Effect of Head Movement for an Acoustical Telepresence Robot: TeleHeadh, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2009), pp. 193-198, 2009
  • Makoto Otani, Tatsuya Hirahara, Shiro Ise, Satoshi Yairi, Yukio Iwaya, Iwaki Toshima, and Yoiti Suzuki, gBoundary Element Simulation of Dummy Head HRTFS: Experimental Validation and Torso Effects.h International Conference on Auditory Display, 2009.
  • Iwaki ToshimaCShigeaki AokiCgQuantitative evaluation of delay time of head movement for an acoustical telepresence robot: TeleHeadhCInternational Conference on Robotics and Automations (ICRA2007)CFrD2.1C2007.
  • Iwaki ToshimaCShigeaki AokiCgThe effect of head movement on sound localization in an acoustical telepresence robot: TeleHeadhCInternational Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2006)Cpp. 872-877, 2006
  • Iwaki Toshima, Shigeaki Aoki, gDriving delay for an acoustical telepresence robot: TeleHeadh, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automations (ICRA2005), TuA1-3, pp. 56 - 61, 2005.
  • Iwaki Toshima, Shigeaki Aoki, Tatsuya Hirahara, gAn auditory tele-presence robot: TeleHead IIh, IEEE International conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2004)CFP1-B1, 2004.
  • Iwaki Toshima, Shigeaki Aoki, Tatsuya. Hirahara, gAn advanced steerable dummy head that tracks three-dimensional human head movement: TeleHead IIh, 18th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA2004)C Vol. I, 803-806, 2004D
  • Shigeaki Aoki, Iwaki Toshima, Tatsuya. Hirahara, gHead-related functions of dummy heads replicated using user's lifecasth, 18th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA2004), Vol. I, 799-802, 2004D
  • Tetsunari Inamura, Hiroaki Tanie, Iwaki Toshima and Yoshihiko, Nakamura. "An Approach from Motion Generation/Recognition to Intelligence based on Mimesis Principle". In the Proc. of the 2nd Int'l Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2003), pp. SaA-II-1, 2003.
  • Tetsunari Inamura, Iwaki Toshima and Yoshihiko, Nakamura. "Acquiring Motion Elements for Bidirectional Computation of Motion Recognition and Generation". In the Proc. of Int'l Symposium. on Experimental Robotics (ISER2002), pp. 357--366. 2002
  • Tetsunari Inamura, Iwaki Toshima and Yoshihiko, Nakamura. "Acquisition and Embodiment of Motion Elements in Closed Mimesis Loop". In the Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2002), pp.1539-1544, 2002.
  • Tetsunari Inamura, Yoshihiko Nakamura, Iwaki Toshima, and Hideaki Ezaki. "Mimesis Embodiment and Proto-symbol Acquisition for Humanoids". In the Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2001), pp.159--164, 2001.
  • Tetsunari Inamura, Yoshihiko Nakamura, Hideaki Ezaki, and Iwaki Toshima. "Imitation and Primitive Symbol Acquisition of Humanoids by the Integrated Mimesis Loop". In the Proc. of Int'l Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2001), pp.4208--4213, 2001.


  • MemberF16th Robotics-Symposia program committee(2011)
  • MemberF15th Robotics-Symposia program committee(2010)
  • MemberF24th RSJ Young Investigation Excellence Awards committee(2009)
  • MemberF23th RSJ Young Investigation Excellence Awards committee(2008)
  • Invited talkFTamagawa Univ. OMO seminorCgResearch of acoustical telepresencehi2008j
  • MemberFJSAI Robot audition society committee (2008`j
  • AwordFRSJ Young Investigation Excellence Awardi2007jiThema: Acoustical telepresence robotj
  • MemberFRSJ committee(2007`2009j
  • AwordFJSAI 16th Annual Conference Awardi2002jiThemaFMotion learning for robotsj


    TeleHead(IEEE Int. Conf. on Robot&Automation2007)

    NTT Human Information Lab.