
Chida, Kensaku [Home]

Kensaku Chida, Dr. (Google Scholar)

Nanodevice Research Group, Advanced Applied Physical Science Laboratory
NTT Basic Research Laboratories

3-1, Morinosato Wakamiya Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa, 243-0198, Japan

What's new

2023/08/21This web page was updated.
2023/08/07Our work about noise-to-energy conversion is presented at Statphys28.
2023/08/04Our work about noise correlation is presented at YSF-YITP symposium.
2023/05/22Our paper about noise-to-energy conversion has been published on Applied Physics Letters.
2022/10/31Our paper about thermoelectric effect has been published on Applied Physics Letters (Selected as the cover art and a feature article).
2018/02/13Our research about Maxwell's demon has been featured in NTT Technical Review.
2017/05/16Our paper about Maxwell's demon has been published on Nature Communications (News Release).
2014/03/24This web page was opened.